Acceptance Testing in WordPress Plugins

Acceptance tests allow us to check that all functionality within our plugin works as it should without the need for a manual process. This may take a little time to first get into place but being able to run a couple of commands and leave the tests running is an amazing time saver.

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Avoiding Timeouts With Ajax

When developing plugins for WordPress I've recently hit a couple of occasions where there was a need to update all posts of a certain type (in my case WooCommerce products). On my local machine, even with a lot of products generated (5000+), I hadn't hit any timeout issues so it never occurred to me that this would become a problem. But before too long I had customers attempting the same processes and running into issues (due to either server setup, size of database or other extension or similar).

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Translating a WordPress Plugin

To add translations and ensure nothing gets overwritten on a plugin update WordPress now provides us with an easy method. Within the wp-content folder one can now add a plugins and/or themes directory, if they don’t already exist. These folders will contain the completed translations for any plugins/themes required and they will not be altered when the extensions are updated.

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Developing Locally with WordPress using PHPStorm and Local by FlyWheel

I recently switched from VVV ( Varying Vagrant Vagrants) to Local by FlyWheel (formerly Pressmatic). I loved VVV but without prior knowledge of any of it’s inner workings it was a rather steep learning curve that caused plenty of frustration when things didn’t work as expected. This usually resulted in a fresh install of VVV rather than ever finding where I had messed up. Enter Local.

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Git Branching

When working on a project it’s handy to leave the master branch in your repository as your “working copy”. Whenever a change needs to be made you can create a branch, mess about with the code in any way necessary, thoroughly test it and then merge that code into the master branch when you’re happy it all works.

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Using AJAX on the WordPress Frontend

There are a few helpful things to bear in mind when using ajax on the frontend:

  • Actions must be hooked up before the ‘wp’ hook (I usually run them on ‘init’)
  • The ajaxurl javascript global may not be defined and so you need to do this yourself
  • There are two hooks to use for the ajax call
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